Spiritual Absent Healing through Thought, Intent and Prayer

Spiritual Healing is a very important aspect of Spiritualism.

It has been carried out since the birth of mankind. It has been practiced in many religions and mentioned in several religious texts – including the Judeo-Christian Bible. 

Spiritual healing could be defined as the practice in which God's healing energies are directed by The Spirit World to an individual in need of a physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual re-balance.

Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.
Jeremiah 17:14 (The Judeo-Christian Holy Bible  –  The English Standard Version)

Although it is possible for an individual to use prayer and intent to ask The Spirit World to direct their healing energies to where they are needed, The Practice is often carried out by a Spiritualist Healer. This is considered a type of mediumship, and healers often use the laying-on of hands, or directing the healing to the client from close proximity (aka Distant Healing).

And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages… healing every disease and every affliction.
Matthew 9:35 (The Judeo-Christian Holy Bible  –  The English Standard Version

Because The Connection Within is an worldwide assembly, we encourage the use of Absent Healing, where the energies can be directed anywhere in the world by prayer and intent.

Although it should never serve as a replacement of medical advice and treatment that your Physician can offer, it has it's place in possibly alleviating someone's symptoms, by bringing about a sense of balance.