it’s not The Getting There that is important – but it’s The Journey that must be embraced
S David

The Connection Within Spiritualist Community is pleased to host workshops, with the view to helping in the development of the mediums of tomorrow. Areas covered are primarily related to Spirit Mediumship and Psychism.

Although most of our Demonstrations of Mediumship and Open Circles are free of charge, attending one of our workshops may require an offering of a small fee. 


The Soulful Medium
with Kim Owens



(7pm UK/ 2pm Eastern/ 11am Pacific)

Approximate duration: 2 hours

£15 per attendee


If you would like further information, please email:

Please keep an eye on this page and on our Facebook Page, for details on this upcoming workshop.


The Akashic Records are a vibrational archive of every Soul and its incarnations through time and space. In this presentation and workshop, we will gain insight into this fascinating area of spiritual insight.


This time together is special because you bring an offering of something special – the beauty and true presence of you, your soul.

Everyone has a beautiful soul that has depth and clarity that perceives so much more that what this material life offers and where the true communion is happening between us and the spirit world that sometimes we are only able to catch glimpses of. It is the presence that can speak much more than words. If we can truly surrender to the depth and beauty within the presence of our own soul, we can then surrender to a natural process that can bring to the surface this magical communion between the two worlds that we then can give voice to.

In this special time together, we will look at creating the conditions that will bring strength to the process. We will look at the art of surrender so we can give freedom and be aware of this magical expression as the natural miracle of communication between the two worlds is brought to the surface to be experienced by those present.

“Let your presence be your beauty, your love your truth and your soul the voice”

ATTENDEE FEEDBACK (Deepening The Message)

I was slightly anxious about this workshop as I hadn't worked for a while, but I must say from the beginning to the end of this event, it felt like a warm loving embrace.

There was such a loving supportive atmosphere. Steven put me at my ease from the beginning.

I feel more confident and ready to accept what the Spirit World give me to convey to a sitter. The one word which resonated with me by the end of the evening was “trust”. I'd heard that word mentioned often in the years I've been developing my mediumship, but this experience revealed to me the true meaning of that word, as far as words can really allow true expression.

My thanks to Steven… and all the lovely souls who attended.

Much love,


ATTENDEE FEEDBACK (Deepening The Message)

I enjoyed your explanation and guidance of mediumship, with gentle and lovely language for all to understand. I do enjoy the practice and hearing others experiences to get where they are now. Reminders to shelf my brain really help! I want to explore and learn from others. 

Thank you for offering this!


ATTENDEE FEEDBACK (Deepening The Message)

I loved the workshop! I learned so much by observing and listening to others in the group give loving, compassionate and healing messages.

Thank you, Steven for guiding us during meditation to embrace the magic and intelligence of spirit. The words “magic and intelligence of spirit” truly resonated with me when sitting in the power.

Thank you,


REMOTE VIEWING could be defined as the ability to acquire accurate information about a distant or non-local place, object, person or event without using your physical senses.
“The Connection Within” is pleased that Angela Foster DSNU has agreed to run a FREE ZOOM WORKSHOP on Remote Viewing for a limited number of attendees on Saturday 25th November 2023 3pm UK.